- WHAT I DOI'm Teng. I design and develop things on the web. Oh, and I like curry.CODEI like building things on the web. I've built games, tools, and web apps.DESIGN / UXI like creating happiness by making things look good and work well.PRODUCTI like taking products from idea to reality to users and beyond!
The Blog
Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.
October 31, 2023堅持按摩以下具有強身作用的穴位,可能會給您帶來意想不到的驚喜。 1. 內關穴:強心要穴。有和胃止嘔、養心安神等功效,常用於防治胃痛、嘔吐、失眠、心悸、胸痛、高血壓等。有良好的強心作用,hong kong escorts是防治風濕性心髒病、心肌炎、冠心病、心律不齊等症的要穴,對預防心梗發作有突出功效。 按摩方法:用對側拇指肚按揉內關穴,用力要適中,以感到酸脹為度。有時在按揉時會有一種莫名的刺激感傳至心髒,這是功效良好的表現。 2. 足三裏穴:強身健體要穴。有益氣健脾、滋補強壯、和胃止嘔、祛風除濕等功效,對胃痛、腹痛、嘔吐、腹瀉、腹脹、貧血、偏癱、nuru massage失眠、風...More Posts- EDUCATION & EXPERIENCEStrikinglyCofounder, 2012 - PresentStrikingly is a website builder that's simple, beautiful, and fun. And perfect for the age of mobile. I'm in charge of UI/UX and front-end.
Y Combinator Winter '13Freelance Web/Game Developer2007 - 2012EchoRocket was my one-man Flash game studio and web development/design consultancy. I built Spinblaster, Block Knocker, CampusAmp, HireBrite, and more!University of ChicagoBA Economics, 2008-2012Studying the finer points of firms, markets, finance, decision theory, and supply and demand.
Activities: Chicago Careers in Business, Student Government, Phi Beta Kappa - OR... LEAVE A MESSAGE
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